Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has stocked 10,000 fish fingerlings in Muthetheni Dam in Mwala Subcounty as part of a youth-centred agribusiness initiative programme.
The Governor who was on a tour of county projects said the fish programme was being implemented for public use in five subcounties of Matungulu, Masinga, Mwala, Yatta and Kangundo in a bid to promote and encourage fish farming in Machakos.
More than 1,200 fish farmers have been recruited from various subcounties in Machakos and are beneficiaries of pond liners and predator kits that will help create a water-resistant barrier at the bottom and sides of a pond to maintain the water.
She emphasised on the importance of fish farming and how the fingerlings stocked in Muthetheni Dam would help farmers in diversifying their income sources and strengthen the capacity of fish farmers in Machakos.
The Governor said fish farming was set to reduce poverty and improve the nutrition in household food diversity thus having an attractive economy and contributing to food security.
Later on her tour, in an effort to reduce land-related conflicts in Machakos, she issued 50,000 title deeds for Machakos residents at Kibauni in Mwala.
“Title deeds will empower our people towards the realisation of ‘Chakula mezani pesa mfukoni development agenda,” Wavinya said.
On maternal healthcare, the Governor commissioned the Katulani Dispensary Maternity Wing that will help address the safety of mothers and babies and ensure quality healthcare needs of the community.
She opened Nyaani Dispensary in Mwala Subcounty to bring healthcare close to the people while decongesting the main referral hospitals.
The county boss launched the Farmers Care Cooperative Society Sacco in Wamunyu Mwala to empower farmers by unlocking their potential while contributing to economic development.
She said the cooperative would boost agricultural productivity and facilitate market access for farmers.
The tour is set to continue to the 40 wards in Machakos for the next 16 days as the governor remains committed to prioritising the implementation of various development projects in Machakos.