And we definitely know who amongst the citizens had a good year this year. As the TikTokers would say, “Boombastic side eye!”
Seriously, everyone I have been in contact with this year, including myself, has been having the worst fiscal year of the millennium. Nothing makes sense; we are spending way more than we bring in, we are drowning in debt, individually and as a country; we protest and go back to work; we chant “must go” then sigh and walk away; we face difficulties at every turn but we survive.
Countries across the globe faced invasions, war, crippling natural disasters, attempted assassinations, military coups, political insecurities, economic collapse and Trump winning the election once more. Even Nostradamus could not have predicted that last one!
Meanwhile, Kenyans, too, have had quite a year because of their commander-in-chief/ chief of the skies as he made more than 20 official visits out of the country, costing the taxpayer a pretty penny. As a result, we marched the streets, stormed Parliament and showed strength in numbers.
We won the battle but lost the war as we mourn our fallen heroes and comrades. They died in the battle for a better Kenya and a better tomorrow.
If for nothing else, then we want a better year next year to ensure that our people did not die in vain. We will continue holding the government accountable and showing them the true power of the people. Power is not in the office or the person who holds the title. Power resides in the farmer, the teacher, the vendors, the taxpayer and the voter. If 2024 has taught us anything, it is that we are done being taken for granted. We vote and we pay taxes to keep Kenya thriving for us and the future generations. Our blood, sweat and tears will not be reaped by the looters who deem themselves untouchable.
This year has been exhausting on all fronts. Politically, economically, even socially. Even though we are a progressed people with more advancement in technology, medicine, astronomy and psychology, man still wants to fight his brother to the death because of differences of opinion and religion. We might have come far up the evolution scale, but sometimes we still reason like neanderthals. So what if we have a difference of opinions?
I realise that January 1st is not a magical date, it’s essentially just
another Wednesday. But we can put the magic into the day by allowing ourselves
to change and striving to be better. 2025 can become a prosperous year if we
all decide to live as the best versions of ourselves.
So here’s to hoping and wishing that we make the
world a better place to live in in 2025 by being the best people we can be. We
can also hold our leaders accountable to ensure that they, too, do what is in
the best interest of the people. It might not seem like much but the journey of
a thousand miles has always started with a single step. So cheers to a better
you, a better me and a better tomorrow!